歡迎租用:舞蹈|瑜伽|空中瑜珈|排練|戲劇|拍攝|工作坊|團體活動| roof70s 新蒲崗 特大舞室 特大排練場地 全新場地租用 舞蹈鏡房 活動場地 瑜珈 排演拍攝場地

*** 免佣金 *** estate name : Hsia Kung Mansion, Next to Mtr and Mall with open view. Open kitchen lead to open plan dining and living area. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Large master bedroom with walk-in cl

近地鐵, 2-6人獨立office, 月租一間房只需$7500起WIFI設備水電全包; 位置方便,由佐敦港鐵站步行只需2分鐘; 獨立冷氣,設備完善,有會議室有pantry有common area; 全新裝修,可即時搬入,即租即用; 24小時出入. 開揚靚景
O物業地產 / 共用工作空間Owl Square Co-working Limited

罕有特色連入契天台單位 [交吉出售] 全層3000呎, 售$1200萬 半層1550呎, 售620萬 罕有特色連入契平台單位 [連租約出售] 全層3000呎, 售$1200萬 #空中花園~~可作同事休憩花園 / Function Area /Gathering /BBQ #交通方便~~多線巴士小巴往返各區 #食肆商店~~鄰近百貨店,便利店,銀行, 快餐店, 酒樓食肆臨立, 應有盡有, 不能盡錄..
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣陳小姐 Shirley Chan

Hong Kong Fiddle is a private music studio offering classical violin and fiddle lessons at our location in LOHAS Park, or in your home in the area.
H音樂 / 教學進修HKfiddle

葵涌全新裝修 - 適合寫字樓/儲倉/工作坊 (brand new office/warehouse/work shop in Kwai Chung area to Rent) area 面積 1000' ($8800.00 per Month all in 全包)

罕有旺角商業區中心地帶Commen-area,地鐵站2分鐘即達! 虛擬辦公室、音樂室、會議場地、共用工作台、自修天地、小型自用辦公室(用途繁多未能盡錄) 你可能試過... 溫書、做FREELANCER、緊急辦公,要忍受人來人往的嘈雜聲? PROJECT即將起貨毫無靈感? 圖書館純粹溫習受人白眼、不准攜帶食物餓到兩眼發青光? 其他共享空間位於工業區夜晚歸家不便、九曲十三彎、客戶不願前來? 黃金地段租

最岩舉辦各類型Party , 拍攝活動 , 大小Event , 天台市集 , 開班教學.並特設Common Area 擴大活動空間, 唔駛一定係房咁侷促,全港唯一以社會企業形式經營之Gang Party & Studio佔地超過3500餘呎,擁有五間獨立主題房間,2500呎天台.

Large Studio Area suitable to do all kind of shooting. We welcome all guest who want to just rent the studio, or to hold popup event. -1600sqft -13ft height -400w flash * 2 ( with light stands ) -Whi

專業遊艇音響系統﹣代理英國VIBE及美國EXILE遊艇專用音響系統﹣同時提供安裝工程﹣ Vibe Audio & Exile Audio marine audio system
汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音金堡瑪遊艇音響及汽車配件批發

Newly established Education Group located in Cyberport Area requires a self-motivated administrator.

Looking for a GMAT one-on-one private tutor for a two-month prep in July and August. Central/Island area.

We provide one-stop aquarium design, fish tank, fish pond & aquarium engineering & maintenance service
A寵物 / 水族及爬蟲Aqua Studio 提供專業訂造魚缸、魚缸保養 (訂造魚缸熱線電話:2537 2362 / Whatsapp: 9518 1966)

Prince Edward, 10F Boundary Street, with Lift and Guard, Higher Floor, Saleable Area : 600 sq ft, 3 Bedrooms, 1 Washroom, 2 Living Room, Rent: 18500 pm, 7 mins walk away from Prince Edward MTR station
物業地產 / 住宅出租www.morris-property.com


Gang Party & Studio Whataspp : 6089 8213  ( 超筍星座半價優惠)佔地超過三千餘呎,擁有五間獨立主題房間,最岩舉辦各類型Party,拍攝活動,大小Event。 並特設Common Area 擴大活動空間, 唔駛一定係房咁侷促.

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

FLAT SHARE @ Kowloon Bay (MALE roomate) U have 1room x 1 living area (HK$7,000/m)

Northern Territories 新界 or Kowloon 九龍 area
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